Sędziwe Drzewo - White willow (Salix alba) - Park Ogrody Płaszów


Heritage Trees - White willow (Salix alba) - Park Ogrody Płaszów

First and last name: White willow (
Salix alba)

Family: Heritage Tree

Occupation: Retired nature protection specialist

Place of residence: Park Ogrody Płaszów

Dimensions: Height: 20-25m

Circumference: 310cm

Crown diameter: 16m (I have a dense canopy)

Special features: My leaves have silky white hairs on the underside that makes it seem like I am surrounded by a silvery aura

Interests: Observing people and animals, In the corners of my hollow trunk I house birds, bats and squirrels. My wood is used for building musical instruments - so I have helped make many symphonies of nature 

What I don't like: When someone intrudes upon my personal space

What I like: Greenery around me and the care that surrounds me with the help of Krakow Municipal Greenspace Authority 

Plans for the future: I'm not going anywhere. I am an old tree and I have seen and heard many stories in my  life. It is time for my retirement, during which I will be a babysitter for animals, plants and mushrooms. 

Take care of the place where I stand because I deserve respect. In return, I will remain here for years so that we can look at Krakow together.